I will create very professional freelance marketplace website like fiverr using wordpress.
Things you will get right after ordering
1. Free hosting accounts for one year (if you don’t have one already)
2. Free .com Domain name for one year (if you don’t have one already)
How Marketplace Will Work?
Freelancers can post jobs & Buyers purchase jobs and once job is completed and approved by the buyer, then that amount will move from pending balance into available balance in freelancer’s wallet and website owner gets a certain commission e.g: 15% and freelancer gets rest of the amount from any successful works.
Powerful Admin Panel:-
Control your marketplace:
approve/decline services, view/modify orders, provide support, edit user info, and much more…
Chat/messages between buyer & seller
Email system
Featured job system
Subscription system
Multiple currency support
Buyer & seller feedback system
You can customize website, add features latter on
Buyer & seller commission for website owner
Manually job verification system
Pay*Pal & Bank transfer payment system
On site notification
Admin panel for website owner
Much More
Message me & i will show you demo.